Friday, October 5, 2007

room of errors

All contents that are posted here are not suitable for perpect person.
Friendly approach to the owner of the blog is highly recommended.

Hehehe... btaw after receiving some comments and suggestions by some friends, therefore they are reading my blog, that there are errors such as wrong spelling and "the grammar" I did some editing immediately. hehe. Thanks to them and until now they are always monitoring my post. hehehe. and if u happened to see one please dont hesitate to throw me a message, im open to entertain your suggestion or opinions. You are always welcomed. I know im not perfect and I just loved what im doing. hahaha. Until here folks... got to hit the road now! im already tired of what im working here at the office. see yah later!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Instant Cup Noodles

Instant noodles are dried precooked noodles fused with oil, usually eaten after being cooked or soaked in boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes. A flavor packet is almost always included with a packet of instant noodles -Wikipedia
And yes thats what I can described to myself most during this past few days. Were already busy with our schedules at the office. From time to time our work became worksss. hehehe. I already set my self for the upcoming activities within the next few days, so I have to rush some things in order to bet the deadliest deadline.
After doing some uploading of data for our client which didnt push thru, I transformed my self into a "graphic artist". Good thing i was able to understand the concept of the design. And first things first... i was looking for a good source for the design. After surfing our website I decided to copy the theme which I will be using for my design, its a mixture of yellow and orange. And yes its very colorful and attractive.
It was thursday that I started to plot my design using photoshop. I was busy editing because of some revisions and opinions from my bosssss... yes i got lots of boss. hehe. RINNGGGGG!!! it was a phone call from one of our clients. From the eyes of my boss I knew already its a big problem. "Their system is down and we need to fix it ASAP" thats what my boss said to me. "From where?" I replied to my boss and still im focusing myself editing my work. "Its from Ubay Bohol" replied my boss.
Waaaaaaa!!!!!! thats it. Im just liked to the instant noodle, just a pour of hot water and its ready to eat. haha. the weather was not good at that time. so i hurriedly searched for a way on how to get there. whew... I planned the 9pm schedule not by plane but by boat.. a not so small boat. Good thing im always on the go. hurriedly I packed my things after work because I still dont have a boat ticket.
I arrived at the pier past 8pm and I directly bought a ticket (tourist class). The bad weather didnt stop me on my mission. hahaha. It was a cold night and its still raining. Im already on my deck waiting for the time to sail. I was texting my mother and the love of my life claire. I was making lambing on her because she didnt expect that ill be sailing to the other island. and i was happy that she understands my work. and the next thing happened was zZzZzZzZz....
Thanks God our trip was safe and sound. I arrived at Ubay 2am. but i just continued dreaming because its too early to work! hahaha. so zZzZzZz again... hehe. I was fetched around 6am and went directly to our clients office.
Ubay is just a small place. we were just hiking from the pier to the office. and it was a good morning exercise. you can feel that they had less polution because you can still smell the fresh air and the morning moist.
We arrived at the office and i directly checked their workstations. 3 workstations and the server is down. hahaha. good for them! timechecked its 7am. i planned what to do that day and i should be leaving bohol at 12pm. so i started my work!!! I transfered the server to the other workstation and condemned the server. no other way around in order for their system to run. after doing half of the re-installation we had a breakfast. eat and run and back to the office. hehe.
Server is up and running! its almost 12pm and i hurriedly packed my tools and some installers. What was told earlier that there will be a boat going to cebu at 12pm is only for saturday. and its still friday. crap!! pag tsur mo oiz!!! i was adviced to go to Tubigon because they had a boat going to cebu every hour. wohoo nice to hear that! so i went to the terminal and the v-hire was already there waiting for more passengers going to Tubigon.
12:30pm - we were already going to Tubigon. Good thing the v-hire was not full and i was so comfortable with my seat. i continued dreaming until i reached Tubigon, and its already 2pm. i bought a lunch and went directly to the pier to buy a ticket. i was the last passenger for that fastcraft. i washed my face and do some refreshments. im so tired because we were rushing from the ticket counter going to the fastcraft and i think its a 1oo meter semi-run because its almost time that the fastcraft will leave when i bought the ticket. good things i made it. hehe.
i had my late-lunch while watching a movie. whew finally im going back home. Good thing the weather is okay and our trip was smooth as it is. zZzZzZz.... hehe. i arrived cebu around 4pm and at last home sweet home!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

"You Hurt Me Plenty"

This masterpiece of mine was created out of boredom during one of my intership duties as a Psychology major. I cant explained what happened to me that day or maybe I just consumed a bad food or something. hehe. Okay here it is...

You Hurt me plenty
written by: ArCkz

The moment we meet, I know youre the girl to keep.
I can see in your eyes, that my life can be in the skies.
Your sweet smile, your glittering eyes, and your soft fragrance
Which makes my life full of romance.

Every now and then Im thinking of you.
Your simple hi, which can make me high.
And your hello's that can make me stand with my toes.

Time came that you were so merry.
That you really hurt me plenty.
You forgot that Im just at your side,
Waiting you for a slide.

Easy come easy goes as what they say.
But for me it was the biggest mistake I made.
Loving you easily was really a big deal.
That changed my life for real.

I just want to let you know that I really loved you.
That's why I always let you smile,
Even though others are crossing the line of fire.
Which I dont want to see with my two eyes.

I dont know how to cry because I know how to fly.
And now its time to say goodbye.
I accepted that youre not really mine.
And I know it would just be fine!


days had passed and finally this blog is running. i was so crazy over this thing the other week. the first time i made this blog everything was okay and normal but after a few post and add-ons this blog went crazy and it made me crazy too. hahaha. but im still normal now.

this blog was running as fast as a train. and im so proud of that. got some add-ons and decided to delete some. BANG! the next thing happened was that my blog is down. hmmmm... how how how? finally i decided to create another mirror for my blog. but i got same results. a BUG in my blog. damnation!! haha.

i rested for a few days and focused my work at the office. yes at the office because am an employee now! hahaha. got so many photoshop works and deadline was already reachable. work work work!!! finally after a few consultation from a friend from this cyber world finally i got the ideas on how to run a blog.

tadannnn!!! my blog is already alive and kicking! hopefully more post to come and more stories to share! because the more the merrier. hahaha. btaw its so funny doin this kind of thing which is not my game but who knows! maybe i can be a great blogger anytime soon! hehe.

until here... welcome to my blog. welcome to nooblogger!!!