Saturday, September 29, 2007


days had passed and finally this blog is running. i was so crazy over this thing the other week. the first time i made this blog everything was okay and normal but after a few post and add-ons this blog went crazy and it made me crazy too. hahaha. but im still normal now.

this blog was running as fast as a train. and im so proud of that. got some add-ons and decided to delete some. BANG! the next thing happened was that my blog is down. hmmmm... how how how? finally i decided to create another mirror for my blog. but i got same results. a BUG in my blog. damnation!! haha.

i rested for a few days and focused my work at the office. yes at the office because am an employee now! hahaha. got so many photoshop works and deadline was already reachable. work work work!!! finally after a few consultation from a friend from this cyber world finally i got the ideas on how to run a blog.

tadannnn!!! my blog is already alive and kicking! hopefully more post to come and more stories to share! because the more the merrier. hahaha. btaw its so funny doin this kind of thing which is not my game but who knows! maybe i can be a great blogger anytime soon! hehe.

until here... welcome to my blog. welcome to nooblogger!!!

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