Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Instant Cup Noodles

Instant noodles are dried precooked noodles fused with oil, usually eaten after being cooked or soaked in boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes. A flavor packet is almost always included with a packet of instant noodles -Wikipedia
And yes thats what I can described to myself most during this past few days. Were already busy with our schedules at the office. From time to time our work became worksss. hehehe. I already set my self for the upcoming activities within the next few days, so I have to rush some things in order to bet the deadliest deadline.
After doing some uploading of data for our client which didnt push thru, I transformed my self into a "graphic artist". Good thing i was able to understand the concept of the design. And first things first... i was looking for a good source for the design. After surfing our website I decided to copy the theme which I will be using for my design, its a mixture of yellow and orange. And yes its very colorful and attractive.
It was thursday that I started to plot my design using photoshop. I was busy editing because of some revisions and opinions from my bosssss... yes i got lots of boss. hehe. RINNGGGGG!!! it was a phone call from one of our clients. From the eyes of my boss I knew already its a big problem. "Their system is down and we need to fix it ASAP" thats what my boss said to me. "From where?" I replied to my boss and still im focusing myself editing my work. "Its from Ubay Bohol" replied my boss.
Waaaaaaa!!!!!! thats it. Im just liked to the instant noodle, just a pour of hot water and its ready to eat. haha. the weather was not good at that time. so i hurriedly searched for a way on how to get there. whew... I planned the 9pm schedule not by plane but by boat.. a not so small boat. Good thing im always on the go. hurriedly I packed my things after work because I still dont have a boat ticket.
I arrived at the pier past 8pm and I directly bought a ticket (tourist class). The bad weather didnt stop me on my mission. hahaha. It was a cold night and its still raining. Im already on my deck waiting for the time to sail. I was texting my mother and the love of my life claire. I was making lambing on her because she didnt expect that ill be sailing to the other island. and i was happy that she understands my work. and the next thing happened was zZzZzZzZz....
Thanks God our trip was safe and sound. I arrived at Ubay 2am. but i just continued dreaming because its too early to work! hahaha. so zZzZzZz again... hehe. I was fetched around 6am and went directly to our clients office.
Ubay is just a small place. we were just hiking from the pier to the office. and it was a good morning exercise. you can feel that they had less polution because you can still smell the fresh air and the morning moist.
We arrived at the office and i directly checked their workstations. 3 workstations and the server is down. hahaha. good for them! timechecked its 7am. i planned what to do that day and i should be leaving bohol at 12pm. so i started my work!!! I transfered the server to the other workstation and condemned the server. no other way around in order for their system to run. after doing half of the re-installation we had a breakfast. eat and run and back to the office. hehe.
Server is up and running! its almost 12pm and i hurriedly packed my tools and some installers. What was told earlier that there will be a boat going to cebu at 12pm is only for saturday. and its still friday. crap!! pag tsur mo oiz!!! i was adviced to go to Tubigon because they had a boat going to cebu every hour. wohoo nice to hear that! so i went to the terminal and the v-hire was already there waiting for more passengers going to Tubigon.
12:30pm - we were already going to Tubigon. Good thing the v-hire was not full and i was so comfortable with my seat. i continued dreaming until i reached Tubigon, and its already 2pm. i bought a lunch and went directly to the pier to buy a ticket. i was the last passenger for that fastcraft. i washed my face and do some refreshments. im so tired because we were rushing from the ticket counter going to the fastcraft and i think its a 1oo meter semi-run because its almost time that the fastcraft will leave when i bought the ticket. good things i made it. hehe.
i had my late-lunch while watching a movie. whew finally im going back home. Good thing the weather is okay and our trip was smooth as it is. zZzZzZz.... hehe. i arrived cebu around 4pm and at last home sweet home!!!

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